Inverse Gas Chromatography-Surface Energy Analyzer (IGC-SEA)


iGC SEA Nova


New ! IGC-SEA Nova


• New high-temperature oven: 30 °C - 500°C
• In-situ preconditioning and surface energy analysis within a single instrument
• Fully-automated iGC system
• Patented head space injection system with humidity generator
• User-friendly control & analysis software with CFR 21 Part 11 capabilities

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The Inverse Gas Chromatography-Surface Energy Analyzer or iGC-SEA continues Surface Measurement Systems’ pioneering history with inverse gas chromatography (IGC), which now spans more than fifteen years.

The iGC-SEA is a second generation Inverse Gas Chromatography instrument. It is the world’s only commercial instrument based on the IGC principle. The unique SMS injection scheme provides a wide range of injection concentrations with unrivalled accuracy and reproducibility.

Particle Sizequote



What is IGC-SEA ?
Surface energy of paracetamol
Charactersation of glass fibers 
Tg of maltose by IGC SEA
Sorbtion of microporous materials
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